In a forest there lives a dog and a chicken that live side. they are loyal friends, they both want to travel around the world.
until one day the both agreed to go around the world, their first step was to enter the dense forest.
throughout the trip the two friends kept joking around, singing happily, so they did not feel they were very far away from their homes.
At night, the two of them arrived in the middle of the forest, because it was already dark they decided to rest.
chicken chooses to rest on dry branches, while dog chooses large wooden holes to rest.
they both immediately took their positions, because they were so tired after they had been traveling all day, then they immediately fell asleep.
when dawn began to come, chicken whi were used to crowing in their homes, did not forget to crow so loudly, he did not realize that he was in the forest.
kukkuruuyuuuuk, the sound of the chicken sounded so loudly, and repeated many times.
the, loud sound of a chicken woke up a starving fox who was sleeping not far from where the chicken was.
the starving fox immediately perched for the sound, it turns out there is a prey nearby, the fox whispered and immediately moved to approached the chicken.
the famouse cunning fox came to the chicken and pretended to be kind, thank you woke me up
seeing the arrival of the fox, the chicken was a little nervouse.
it's an honor for me to have a quest, if there is anything i can help you? said the fox, pretending to be kind.
i'm flattered with your words fox forgive me, if my voice disturbs your sleep" said the chicken carefully
if you really offer help, can you get me food inside the tree, of course i will be very grateful for that begged the chicken.
the crafty fox obeyed, without realizing that inside the tree there was a dog waiting for him, when the fox entered, then the dog immediately pounced on him.
KITAB PERHIASAN BAGUS LENGKAP DARI PASAL YANG PERTAMA DAN TERAKHIR YAITU PASAL YANG KE 1 SAMPAI PASAL YANG KE 18 Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh. Selamat datang, sebelumnya saya ucapkan terimakasih, semoga apa yang kita pelajari pada " KITAB PERHIASAN BAGUS " mendapatkan ridho Allah SWT. Sebelum mempelajari dan mengamalkannya, kita terlebih dahulu harus mengenal, pengarang kitab Perhiasan Bagus. Kitab ini di buat oleh Sayyid Utsman bin Abdullah bin Aqil bin Yahya ( wafat. 1913 M ) Foto Sayyid Utsman bin Abdullah bin Aqil bin Yahya Adapun sanad kitab perhiasan bagus untuk anak perempuan dan seluruh kitab karya Sayyid Utsman, Al faqir meriwayatkan dengan ijazah dari Syaikh Hisyam Bahriyyah Mesir dan musnid Al-Ashri syaik Muhammad Yasin bin Isa al fadani dari habib Ali bin Abdurrahman Al Habsyi ( habib Ali Kwitang ) dari muallifnya sayyidina Al habib Utsman bin Aqil bin Yahya Al batawi. di blog ini, saya masukkan video cara membaca kit...